May 26, 2010


First I'd like to ask all of you use the CHS label if you post CHS, BS is for Barrick posts, and use the 'GH' label for The Goode Huswife posts. Thank you!
I also use a label WIP means Works In Progress like this is.

Here is my Fred, in progress yet, but I'd like to show you his brilliant colors :)

Frederick_2_by Nina_2010may23
Frederick_threads_by Nina_2010may23

I am stitching on 40ct Lakeside Linen - color Vintage Pearled Barley, with the recommended Needle Point Inc. silks.
I just love these fine silks on my favourite count of linen :)

my blog: Between Crosses


Vaida said...

It's definitely a wonderful process! love the shine of the silks... I'm also working on Frederik at the moment (need to take a picture...)

Főkolomp said...

Your Fred is beautiful!!!